Monday, February 16, 2015

Robotic Attack Squadron is now on Honest Gamers!

        Hello to any readers that may exist! Robotic Attack Squadron is doing all of its reviews from this point forward on! The reviews can be found here. There are 3 up already:
Planets Under Attack
Thomas Was Alone
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

        I decided to switch to posting reviews on Honest Gamers rather than on this personal blog as I was not getting very much feedback here. Honestly, I don't think I have any readers except for family and friends that check in every once in awhile. My hope is that posting reviews on Honest Gamers will lead to being able to discuss games in the comments sections of reviews, thus giving more context and clarity to the review itself.

        Honest Gamers uses a traditional 10 point scale for scoring. To arrive at my ten point score, I score the game as I usually would, then convert. Bad games are 1-3, mediocre games are 4-6, and great games are 7-10. A score of great game tier 2 can be either an 8 or a 9. I think you can kind of see this in my reviews up to this point as I describe some tier 2 games as just really solid and others as very nearly perfect. I hope you will follow along with me as I continue to post both reviews and blog posts at Honest Gamers! Thank you!

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